Chapter 6 Study Sheet
simple, but powerful way to organize data, especially when a large
amount of information is involved.
How to Declare an Array: int [ ] joe = new int [18]; Array Element- the types of values that arrays hold Use for loops with arrays because the number of the position of the array is constant for (int
index = 0; index < joe.length; index ++) Automatic Bounds Checking- the index operator performs this to make sure that the index is within the range that the array allowed -ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException- this error is thrown when the index is not valid -off-by-one error- created because the user is off by one because position begins at 0 How to make an Initializer List: Int [ ] joe = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18}; Creating String Arrays: String
[ ] joe = new String [18]; Example: String [ ] grades = {A, A-, B+, B, B-}; int [ ] numbers = {95, 90, 87, 83, 80};
for (int level = 0; level< numbers.length; level ++)
Searching the most basic search is the linear/sequential search- look at each elements starting at the first until the element is reaches binary search - when searching for an element, start at the middle value. if less, the eliminate the upper half. keep dividing in half until the element is found *for this search to occur, the data in the array must be sorted Sorting- the process of arranging a list of items in order Selection Sort
Scan the list to find smallest value
a. 2 8 7 5 b. 2 8 7 5 c. 2 5 7 8 d. 2 5 7 8 e. 2 5 7 8 Insertion Sort 1. Sorted list contains only one value 2. Keep picking up single values and insert them in the proper places
a. 8 2 7 5 b. 2 8 7 5 c. 2 7 8 5
2 5 7 8 Merge Sort
Efficiency of Algorithms - Space Efficiency- the amount of space an algorithm uses - Time Efficiency- how long it takes for an algorithm to run Insertion &
Selection Sorts: O( Hashing- technique used to store and retrieve data in an array - this type of array is called a hash table - each item in the array has a hash code, tells where the in the array the data should be stored - using the hash function, hash code is calculated from the data - *Calculate hash code to find the cell where a piece of data should be stored Example: Hash Function is ( year + month + year) % 10 will map dates to valid spaces of the array July 4, 1776 (7 + 4 + 1776 %1 0) = 7 this date hashes 7. Two- Dimensional Arrays Rows * Columns Int [ ][ ] joe = new int [3][6]; Three rows and six columns The ArrayList Class (import java.util.*) ArrayList names =
new ArrayList(); Boolean add (Object obj) Adds the object to the end of the list Void add (int index, Object obj) Inserts the given object into this list at the given index Object set (int index, object obj) Sets the list element at the index to the object, and returns the object that was previously in that index Object get (int index) Returns the object of the index Object remove (int index) Removes the object at the index from this list and returns it Int size size ( ) Returns the number of elements to this list |